5.3 Folder and File Naming Convention for Bulk Data Feed

The arrival of the files of a Feed on the SFTP server shall be signified by placing a Manifest file at the appropriate location. The Manifest file shall refer to all files that are part of the Feed. The Manifest file may only be placed on the SFTP server, once all other files have been completely uploaded.

A Feed is identified by the date and time of its creation in the form BWARM_DataFeedProvider_[DataFeedRecipient]_YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn[.ext] with:

  • DataFeedProvider being the DDEX Party ID of the organisation providing the Feed; 

  • DataFeedRecipient being, optionally, the DDEX Party ID of the organisation for whom the Feed folder is created. For “broadcast feeds”, this element shall be left empty;

  • YYYY being the year of Feed creation;

  • MM being the month of Feed creation;

  • DD being the day of Feed creation;

  • hh being the hour of Feed creation;

  • mm being the minute of Feed creation;

  • ss being the second of Feed creation;

  • nnn being the millisecond of Feed creation; and

  • .ext being a file extension if the Feed is provided in an archived and/or compressed format (such as .zip for a zip archive or .gtar for a GNU tar ball). If the Feed is provided as an uncompressed set of files in a folder, no extension shall be used. 

The files inside a Feed folder shall be named in accordance with Clause 6.

The Manifest file is identifiedby the data and time of its creation in the form BWARM_Manifest_DataFeedProvider_[DataFeedRecipient]_YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn.tsv where the various element follow the syntax set out above the the Feed name.