Annex A - Release notes

Version 2.0:

  • Extends the standard to deal with music videos in addition to sound recordings. Therefore the files describing sound recordings have been extended to accommodate music video data (a ResourceType Cell and a CLine Cell have been added) and renamed (Clauses 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11) and all references to sound recordings have been amended;

  • Extends the standard to handle unmatched resources in a separate file (Clause 6.16);

  • Clarifies the file naming convention in Clause 5.3;

  • Adds clauses clarifying the handling of spaces (, empty records (6.2.5) and empty cells (6.2.6);

  • Supports the use of the central set of allowed-value sets defined for all DDEX standards. Therefore the clause in version 1.1 of this standard (Clause 7), which defined the allowed-value sets for the standard, has been removed, Clause 6.2.9 has been added to explain this, and the manifest header Record has been extended by a new Cell AvsVersionId (Clause 6.3.2);

  • Adds a line with headings to the files to improve human readability, which is described in the new Clause 6.2.12;

  • Provides support for copyright control. The RightShareType AVS now has a value CopyrightControlShare, which can be used to describe this situation, and the definition and cardinality of the PartyRecordId in the musical work right shares file has been adapted. The details of this are given in Clause 6.8;

  • Makes the RightsType and UseType Cells mandatory to enforce a more explicit communication of rights share data in Clause 6.8;

  • Restricts the RightShareType Cell to be a single-value Cell to clarify the communication of rights share data in Clause 6.8;

  • Clarifies the choreography described in the figure in Clause 5.1 and updates the entity-relationship diagram in Clause 5.2;

  • Adds an IsCompositeMusicalWork flag to the musical works file to describe whether the musical work is a composite work (Clause 6.4);

  • Adds a LanguageAndScriptCode Cell for the language of titles in the musical works, sound recordings and release files (Clauses 6.4, 6.9, 6.12); and

  • Involves changes to the terminology used in the standard to align it with the terminology in other DDEX standards and to ensure consistency of terminology throughout.

Version 1.0.1:

  • Corrects a bug in the Unclaimed Work Right Share File where the cardinality of Cell 12 has been changed from mandatory to conditional to cater for cases where no DataFeedSendersMusicalWorkId has been provided.