4.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard the following terms have the definitions specified in this clause. Although all the terms are capitalised, they appear in the document in lower case, for ease of readability. This does not apply to the terms Cell, Delimiter, Primary Delimiter, Record, Record Delimiter and Secondary Delimiter because these terms are specialised for the purpose of this standard.


A set of files normally stored as a single unit in a file system.


An individual data element in a Record. Cells are separated by Primary Delimiters.

Copyright Control

The status of a right share in a musical work in circumstances where there is a rights controller for the right share, but the sender of the BWARM data feed does not know the identity of this rights controller, or in circumstances where no rights controller for the right share has asserted a claim for the right share at the time of the creation of the BWARM data feed.

The term may only apply to some right shares in a single musical work, so that, for example, a known rights controller has a right share of 50%, and the other 50% is controlled by one or more unidentified or unknown parties, and thus has a status of copyright controlled.


A character that delineates, in a file created in accordance with this standard, either one Record from another Record (Record Delimiter), one Cell from another Cell (Primary Delimiter) or one data element from another data element within a Cell (Secondary Delimiter).

Manifest File

A TSV file signifying the delivery of a batch.

Music Video

An audio-visual resource that is a recording of the performance of a musical work.

Musical Work

A work intended to be perceivable as a combination of sounds, with or without accompanying text. Any words that are intended to be expressed with a musical work (often termed lyrics) form part of that musical work. Not all musical works have lyrics.

A musical work may be expressed and fixed to become part of a sound recording or a music video, or may be used to create notated music (sheet music, scores, instrumental parts) or sound generation codes (such as MIDI files). In some cases, the musical work comes into existence simultaneously with its expression. This is common in extemporised forms such as jazz music.

Namespace Delimiter

Delimiter used to separate the namespace of an identifier from the identifier.

Primary Delimiter

Delimiter used to separate Cells.


A collection of Cells that describe a specific data entity. Records are separated by Record Delimiters.

Record Delimiter

Delimiter used to separate Records.


A release is an abstract entity representing a bundle of one or more resources usually compiled by a record company. The resources in a release are normally primarily sound recordings or music videos, but this is not invariably the case.


A digital fixation of an expression of an abstract work (such as a sound recording, a music video, an image, software or a passage of text). Resources are individual assets that make up a release. Typically resources are sound recordings, music videos or cover art images.

Right Share

A percentage or fraction of a right for a creation for a particular time and place in which a party claims a controlling interest.

Secondary Delimiter

Delimiter used to separate data elements within a single Cell.

Sound Recording

An audio resource that is a recording of the performance of a work.