6.2.10 User defined values

While a BWARM data feed sent out as a broadcast may only use allowed values defined in the DDEX standard, the data feed sender and data feed recipient can agree to use proprietary values for some of the Cells when using the standard for bilateral messaging. This is possible for Cells that use an allowed value set that contains the DDEX defined value UserDefined. In this case, the data to be communicated in the Cell shall be the string UserDefined followed by a single space character and a string representing the proprietary term to be communicated. This string shall only comprise lower case letters, upper case letters or digits, for example UserDefined StreamInOnlineGame. Such user defined values will need to be agreed between the data feed sender and the data feed recipient. Both the data feed sender and the data feed recipient are encouraged to raise the requirements for the introduction of such values to this standard with DDEX with a view to having these values added to the list of DDEX defined allowed values. Once such a value has been added to the DDEX allowed-value set, the continued use of the user-defined value is discouraged.