6.2.11 Referencing Records

Some Records need to be referenced to or from other files in a BWARM data feed. One such example is referencing a Record in a musical works file to or from a musical work right shares file.

To enable this to occur, Records contain a Cell providing a Record identifier. The combination of the DataFeedCreatedDateTime as communicated in the manifest header Record and the Record identifier Cell is globally unique. This means that each Record identifier is internally unique to the BWARM data feed, not only to the file that contains the Record. The Record identifier may be the primary key for the record in the BWARM data feed sender’s database table if it is different from all other primary keys in the database.

There is no requirement for Record identifiers to be persistent, so a later version of a BWARM data feed may use different Record identifiers to identify the same Record.

When choosing how to populate a Record identifier Cell, implementers are strongly recommended to limit themselves to letters and digits, i.e. A-Z, a-z and 0-9.