5.2 Content of a BWARM data feed

Each BWARM data feed created in accordance with this standard shall comprise:

  1. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.4, describing the musical works embodied on the sound recordings and music videos described in the file defined in (6) below;

  2. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.5, providing alternative titles for the musical works described in the file defined in (1) above;

  3. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.6, providing proprietary identifiers for the musical works described in the file defined in (1) above;

  4. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.7 describing the parties (such as music publishers and writers) who have an interest in the right shares in the musical worksdescribed in the file defined in (1) above;

  5. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.8 describing the right shares for the musical works described in the file defined in (1) above;

  6. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.9 describing the sound recordings and music videos in which the musical works described in the file defined in (1) above are embodied. Where no musical work has been identified the resources shall be described in the unmatched resources file defined in (13) below;

  7. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.10 providing alternative titles for the sound recordings and music videos described in the file defined in (6) above;

  8. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.11 providing proprietary identifiers for the sound recordings and music videos described in the file defined in (6) above;

  9. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.12 describing releases in which the sound recordings and music videos described in the file defined in (6) above are included;

  10. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.13 providing proprietary identifiers for the releases described in the file defined in (9) above;

  11. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.14 providing links between the sound recordings and music videos described in the file defined in (6) above and the musical works described in the file defined in (1) above; and

  12. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.15 providing data about usages which were reported to the data feed sender which identifies which right shares in the musical works contained in the usages have not yet been fully claimed and the total of the collection shares is less than 100%.

  13. Exactly one file created in accordance with Clause 6.16 describing the resources for which usages were reported to the data feed sender but which have not yet been associated with a musical work.

Some files in a BWARM data feed may be empty, for example, when no data about releases is being communicated.

The diagram in Figure 2 below shows an entity relationship diagram for the above files.The coloured frames in the diagram highlight the main entities whose data is communicated in a BWARM data feed: musical works (blue), resources (orange), releases (yellow) and unclaimed right shares and unmatched resources (green).


Figure 2 – Entity relationship diagram for the files that make up a BWARM data feed