5.4 Naming convention for a BWARM manifest file

The completion of the loading of the files that make up a BWARM data feed onto the SFTP server shall be signified by placing a manifest file, created in accordance with Clause 6.3, in the same folder on the server as the files that make up the BWARM data feed. The manifest file shall refer to all the files that make up the BWARM data feed. The manifest file shall only be placed on the SFTP server once the uploading of all files making up the BWARM data feed has been completed.

The manifest file shall be placed in the same folder as the BWARM data feed itself and have the filename BWARM_Manifest_DataFeedSender_[DataFeedRecipient_]YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn.tsv where the various elements have the same meaning as in the naming of the BWARM data feed, as set out above. The square brackets indicate that DataFeedRecipient element is optional.