5.3 Folder and file naming convention for a BWARM data feed

A BWARM data feed is identified by the date and time of its creation in the form BWARM_DataFeedSender_[DataFeedRecipient_]YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn[.ext] where:

  • DataFeedSender is the DPID of the organisation sending the BWARM data feed;

  • DataFeedRecipient is optional but when provided is the DPID of the organisation receiving the BWARM data feed. For a BWARM data feed made available to more than one party at the same time, this element shall be left empty;

  • YYYY is the year of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • MM is the month of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • DD is the day of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • hh is the hour of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • mm is the minute of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • ss is the second of the creation of the BWARM data feed;

  • nnn is the millisecond of the creation of the BWARM data feed; and

  • .ext is a file extension if the BWARM data feed is provided in an archived and/or compressed format, such as .zip for a zip archive or .gtar for a GNU tarball. If the BWARM data feed is provided as an uncompressed set of files in a folder, no extension shall be used.

The files inside a BWARM data feed folder shall be named in accordance with Clause 6.